Timor Lorosae

DXpedition Home Page

The following pages provide information about early October 2000 East Timor DXpedition by Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV and Dick Wolf N6FF

  4W DXpedition Update  

4W/K7BV & 4W/N6FF DXpedition Wrap-up

Dick and I would like to thank all the DXers who helped make our 4W DXpedition a memorable one - hopefully for all. We trust you had as much fun working us as we did getting those 13,000 contacts into the log. Although the trip proved to be challenging in some ways, both Dick and I left East Timor feeling reasonably satisfied that we had accomplished our goal - "Provide a new country for DXers on the 160, 80, 40 and 30 meter bands."

Some 5,400 QSOs were made on those four low bands. 160 meters got a tremendous amount of attention. Considering that the three population centers of the world were well over 5,000 miles away and the propagation we experienced was less than cooperative, we were pleased with the following continental breakdown of contacts on Top Band:

160 Meters by Continent NA-115 Asia-217 EU-79 OC-23

We knew we were going to be an "Alligator" on the two lowest bands with such fantastic transmitting antennas but felt it was better to "roar" than to have callers working so hard to pick us out of the noise. That left us with the noise problems - and there were plenty to overcome including typical Equator QRN, sunspot storms galore, local lightening, and a countryside full of patched together electrical connections of every imaginable kind lighting nearby dirt floor grass huts. In addition, our actual operating position was inside an active communications building with people coming and going performing their respective responsibilities for the UN Mission. Numerous local power failures each day contributed to our frustration but we were very grateful that there was an emergency generator available to power us back up not long after each failure.

The Band by Band breakdown for the trip came out as follows:

160-439 80-1,033 40-2,011 30-1,908 20-1,550

17-1,227 15-1,375 12-855 10-2,250 6M-256

(Yes - several JAs bagged a 10 band 4W sweep !)

Ross 4W6UN was there for our arrival in Dili and made sure our taxi driver had proper instructions to our operating QTH, some 3-4 hours away by car. Thor 4W6MM did an incredible job supporting the DXpedition; giving us access to a 220 foot tower to hang our 160 and 80 meter slopers as well as allowing us to use his impressive YAESU station and powerful Emtron DX-3 amplifier from Australia (a real workhorse!). It seemed each day we presented him with a new station problem to be solved and he was always up for the challenge.

We wish to thank YAESU for their efforts to insure Thor had his new fabulous Mark-V transceiver in time for us to use it during this adventure. We also we able to use the FT1000MP they had earlier donated to the East Timor Amateur Radio Association.

We appreciate the patience that was exhibited by most callers as the conditions described above (as well as some serious sleep deprivation) made our operating practices occasionally appear disjointed. And to George (the fist-sized spider we adopted) and the resident scorpions we offer our thanks for not adding discomfort - to say the least - to our operation!

Rod, WC7N, Thank You for doing a yeoman's job as our Pilot Station and Andy, W6/G4VPM we all appreciate you keeping the website current and getting those logs up for review. QSL via the man with the huge job still to do, Steve KU9C. He will soon have a photo to use to print the cards which should then follow some weeks later from Wayne W4MPY.

A detailed story about the trip and video are being prepared. If you are interested in receiving a copy, contact Dennis at k7bv@aol.com.

73 Dennis K7BV and Dick N6FF

" Thanks to Thor 4W6MM & Ross 4W6UN, the trip was a safe one. We were not exposed to any dangers that might have been encountered in this troubled country at the time of the DXpedition "


"Thank You"

  • Thor 4W6MM for all the kind support and encouragement.
  • Ross 4W6UN for all the his guidance to insure the operation is legal and safe.
  • YAESU for donating their fabulous FT1000MP to the East Timor Amateur Radio Association and for rushing in Thor's MP Mark-V.
  • Steve VK3OT- brought the DXpedition operators and the 4W6 locals together.
  • Force 12 Antennas - generous offer to furnish custom designed low band antennas.
  • VK8MS - standing offer to help with the logistics of getting gear from Darwin to Dili.
  • Carl K9LA - providing a fantastic propagation forecast-based band plan.
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