"The HAMlet"


The impressive antenna arsenal centers on a Mosley PRO 67B multiband yagi that includes 2 elements on 40 meters. The HAMlet is located about 100 feet above sea level on a moderate drop off that allows this antenna on a self supporting 40 foot tower to perform magic on the bands in all directions. Above the Mosley is a Force12 75/80 meter rotatable dipole. A second roof mounted tower on the cottage supports a 10 meter yagi – some operators use this tower for 6 and 2 meter antennas. A 52 foot Hygain all-band vertical and various wires complete the antenna package that insures you will be heard…and heard very well…around the world.

VHF capability has been added to the HAMlet. A M2 6 meter 6M7JHV 7 element yagi now rotates on the cottage rooftop tower. Stacked 17 element 2 meter yagis will be added in the near future.

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